It has occurred to me on various occasions, that you can do logic in Maxima
by using step functions. The unit_step() function, which is used in pw for
representing piecewise functions, is bi-valued. So are Boolean expressions.
You can represent connectors like "and", "or" and "not" as expressions
involving unit_step().
Consider if x>a and x>b then u else v;
It is equivalent to the following, if you agree with the idea that how an
expression evaluates is all that matters.
(u - v) * unit_step(x - max(a, b)) + v;
then there is "or" as in the following
if x>a or x>b then u else v;
It is equivalent to the following.
(u - v) * unit_step(x - min(a, b)) + v;
Another possibility is
if (x > a) and (x < b) then u else v
(v - u) * unit_step(x - b) + (u - v) * unit_step(x - a) + v