Translating Maxima functions.

On 10/18/2011 11:15 AM, Panagiotis Papasotiriou wrote:
> I'll try what you suggested, copy the input list to a local array. Question
> is... How do I mode_declare a local variable which is an array of floats?

the link I gave has the manual pages for the "functions and variables
for arrays" here's the direct link to the section

it turns out since your array is internal to your algorithm, you are
better off with an "unnamed" array using "make_array" function

as an example

f(x) := block([temp:make_array(flonum,length(x))],
/* creates a local unnamed array of floating point numbers and stores it
in the local variable temp*/
for i:1 thru length(x) do (
temp[i]: float(x[1]), x:rest(x)),
/* fills the array with numbers and eats the list x */
temp); /* returns temp */

Hope this helps give you an idea of how to use arrays.
