RE : crazy run-time fluctuations (mostly super-slow) -- a bit more data

On 10/22/11 8:36 PM, Steve Haflich wrote:
> I would not expect the Maxima community to take my advice seriously, in
> fact, I do not consider it (given the circumstances on the ground) to be
> particularly wise advice because taking it would be too disruptive.
> _______________________________________________

It would be possible to define a new top-level Maxima language  syntax 
and semantics
mostly re-using existing stuff, though with some glitches.  A new 
language could be
designed with a variety of "modern" features.  Packages. Objects. 
Lexical scope.  etc.
To avoid disruption, the old language could still be there.

Interestingly, in the transition from Maclisp (and Franz Lisp) to Common 
Lisp, the
underpinnings of Maxima were necessarily transferred from a language 
with dynamic scope
to one with lexical scope (by default, anyway).  I would not say it was 
done gracefully, but
it was done.  Yet the Maxima top level language retained dynamic scope.