display expression exactly as entered

pps this may be a wxmaxima issue. Try a semicolon after the Lisp
On Oct 24, 2011 6:57 PM, "Stavros Macrakis" <macrakis at alum.mit.edu> wrote:

> PS Rather than screen shots, please just give a text transcript using
> display2d: false.
> On Oct 24, 2011 6:56 PM, "Stavros Macrakis" <macrakis at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> You're missing the newline/Enter/Return between the Lisp and the Maxima
>> statements.
>> On Oct 24, 2011 6:51 PM, "Ether Jones" <maxima at etherjones.us> wrote:
>>> (%i1) :lisp (defmacro $dd (x) `(progn (displa '((mlable) Raw ,x))
>>> (terpri) ',x))
>>>       dd(x/x);
>>> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>>>   Error in PROGN [or a callee]: The variable DD is unbound.
>>> Automatically continuing.
>>> To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
>>> See attached screenshot
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu>
>>> *To:* Ether Jones <maxima at etherjones.us>
>>> *Cc:* maxima <maxima at math.utexas.edu>
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 24, 2011 3:56 PM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Maxima] display expression exactly as entered
>>> Well, if that's your use case, then you might want to redefine the
>>> read-eval-print loop (if you *always* want to see the unsimplified form) or
>>> use the following macro
>>> (%i13) :lisp (defmacro $dd (x) `(progn (displa '((mlable) Raw ,x))
>>> (terpri) ',x))
>>> (%i14) dd(x/x);
>>>                                        x
>>> (raw)                                  -
>>>                                        x
>>> (%o14)                                 1
>>> It prints the unsimplified form, and returns the value, whereupon it is
>>> simplified in the normal way.
>>> You will always get better replies to your queries if you explain **why**
>>> you want to do what you're asking for....
>>>            -s
>>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 14:42, Ether Jones <maxima at etherjones.us> wrote:
>>> Yes, but as soon as you 'touch' it again, it will be simplified.
>>> Understood, and acceptable.
>>> Why exactly do you want this?
>>> I want the expression I manually enter to appear exactly the way I typed
>>> it for three reasons, all of which you have anticipated:
>>> 1) to confirm that I entered it correctly, and
>>> 2) for me to see it in 2D the way I entered it so that I can examine it
>>> for insight as to how I want to proceed, and
>>> 3) most importantly, because I entered it the way I did for a reason, and
>>> I want it to display that way (when I first enter it).  That reason is, it
>>> corresponds more clearly with the flow of the derivation argument I am
>>> making (for example, it more closely corresponds with any figures or
>>> diagrams I have prepared).
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu>
>>> *To:* Ether Jones <maxima at etherjones.us>
>>> *Cc:* maxima <maxima at math.utexas.edu>
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 24, 2011 2:20 PM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Maxima] display expression exactly as entered
>>> Yes, but as soon as you 'touch' it again, it will be simplified.
>>> Why exactly do you want this?  Is it to confirm that you entered the
>>> expression correctly?  Then maybe something like the following would be
>>> useful?
>>> (%i2) inputprint(n):= block([simp:false],
>>> apply('display,[concat('%i,n)]))$
>>> (%i3) x/x;
>>> (%o3) 1
>>> (%i4) x/4*1/(x+1);
>>> (%o4) x/(4*(x+1))
>>> (%i5) inputprint(3)$
>>> %i3 = x/x
>>> (%i6) inputprint(4);
>>> %i4 = x/4*1/(x+1)
>>> It looks as though the playback function could have an option to print
>>> the input (not just output) expressions in 2d.  Would that solve your
>>> problem?
>>>            -s
>>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 14:09, Ether Jones <maxima at etherjones.us> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the suggestion Stavros. Bracketing the expression with
>>> simp:false and simp:true seems to give what I want:
>>> simp:false$
>>> ex1: (W/4)*(1/());
>>> simp:true$
>>> ex1;
>>> See attached PNG screenshot for output.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu>
>>> *To:* Ether Jones <maxima at etherjones.us>
>>> *Cc:* maxima <maxima at math.utexas.edu>
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 24, 2011 10:49 AM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Maxima] display expression exactly as entered
>>> You can disable Maxima's default transformations a.k.a. general
>>> simplification, by setting simp:false.
>>> However, this breaks most of Maxima's functionality.  For example:
>>>  (%i4) simp:false;
>>> (%o4) false
>>> (%i5) (W/4)*(1/(1+x));
>>> (%o5) W/4*(1/(1+x))
>>> (%i6) diff(%,x);
>>> (%o6) 'diff(1/(1+x),x,1)*(W/4)+0*(1/(1+x))
>>> In this case, 0*(1/(1+x)) is not simplified to 0, diff(1/(1+x),x,1) is
>>> not performed.  This second case may seem mysterious until you understand
>>> that Maxima normally does not use a division operator internally, but
>>> transforms it to multiplication and exponentiation -- (a/b) internally is
>>> actually a * b^-1, as you can see in the Lisp representation:
>>> (%i7) ?print(a/b)$
>>> ((MQUOTIENT) $A $B)
>>> (%i8) simp:true$
>>> (%i9) ?print(a/b)$
>>> ((MTIMES SIMP) $A ((MEXPT SIMP) $B -1))
>>> You can also block default simplifications by using the "box" function
>>> (and set boxchar:" " if you want the boxes to be invisible).
>>> But this doesn't guarantee to preserve order:
>>> (%i3) box(W/4)*box(1/(1+x));
>>> (%o3) box(1/(x+1))*box(W/4)
>>> And Maxima functions treat boxes as unknown functions:
>>> (%i4) diff(%,x);
>>> (%o4) 'diff(box(1/(x+1)),x,1)*box(W/4)
>>> Why exactly do you want to preserve your input form?  Is it because you
>>> find it more intuitive when you're manipulating the expression?  Because you
>>> want to present this form as part of your output?  Because you want to do
>>> transformations which depend on the form of the expression?
>>> In the last case, you might want to look at ratsubst rather than subst:
>>> (%i5) expr: (W/4)*(1/(1+x));
>>> (%o5) W/(4*(x+1))
>>> (%i6) subst(q,W/4,%);
>>> (%o6) W/(4*(x+1))                         <<< W/4 is not syntactically
>>> present in expr
>>> (%i7) ratsubst(q,W/4,%);
>>> (%o7) q/(x+1)                               <<< but ratsubst recognizes
>>> it
>>> Does that help?
>>>             -s
>>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 10:01, Ether Jones <maxima at etherjones.us> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is there a way to force maxima to display an expression exactly as I have
>>> entered it, rather than "simplifying" it for me?
>>> For example, when I enter (W/4)*(1/(1+x)) it displays as   W/(4*(x+1))
>>> Please see attached WXM file or the PNG screenshot.
>>> Thank you.
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