A Maxima function for solving initial value problems with adaptive step size and error control.

On 10/24/2011 02:12 PM, Panagiotis Papasotiriou wrote:
> Dear community,
> I have written a Maxima package for solving initial value problems. The
> package implements a Maxima function called rkf45, which is an
> implementation of the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method of 4th-5th order. 

Thank you very much for this contribution to Maxima, I hope one of the
maxima developers will include it into the standard distribution as a
shared package. However, rather than having a rkf45 specific share
package, perhaps we should create a "numode" or other  package named
after the type of problem, where we can put several related numerical
differential equation codes. For example perhaps the next task someone
will take on will be some kind of implicit scheme for stiff systems, or
someone else will produce boundary value problem solvers.

Organizing shared code by the task they solve rather than the method
used helps the naive user to find the code.

Again thanks for your contribution, I'm sure I will have occasion to use
this code soon.