A Maxima function for solving initial value problems with adaptive step size and error control.

Debian distributes Maxima without share files preloaded. However, share
files are destributed in a separate package, called "maxima-share", which is
marked as "recommended" by Debian's main maxima package. By default,
"recommended" packages are considered as dependencies, unless the user
chooses otherwise. So, for most users, installing maxima means that
maxima-share will be installed automatically, even if they are not aware of
it. Technically, share files are not preloaded though. You still need to
load a shared package before using it.

By the way, Debian still distributes Maxima 5.24.0, even in Debian "testing"
version, where they usually have up-to-date software. Not sure why they
didn't upgrade to 5.25, I guess it's because Maxima official site still
mentions 5.24 as the latest release. Does Maxima versioning system follows
the old convention (odd minor version numbers to denote development releases
and even minor version numbers to denote stable releases)?

2011/10/26 Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at alum.mit.edu>

> Does anyone distribute Maxima binaries with share files preloaded? Seems
> like a bad idea, since some share files change default behavior our are
> incompatible among themselves...
>          -s
> On Oct 25, 2011 6:47 PM, "Dan" <vi5u0-maxima at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> On Tue, 25 Oct 2011, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
>>  In any case, there is absolutely no requirement that new share packages
>>> which are not derived from existing code follow GPL.  In fact, legally
>>> they
>>> probably don't even need to be "free software" as long as they are simply
>>> distributed along with Maxima, and not incorporated into distributed
>>> binaries.
>> ... except that this creates some extra work to do, explaining to
>> recipients what they can and can't include in binaries that they later
>> redistribute.
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