LIcenses [Re: A Maxima function for solving initial value problems with adaptive step size and error control.]

On 10/25/11, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at> wrote:

> But for the record, anything that I have placed in src (like my elliptic
> functions code), is GPL.  Anything that I have done in share is under some
> license that I haven't decided on.  Possibly public domain or BSD, or LGPL.

Um, in the interest of making life easier for those who wish to make
use of those files, I hope you will put some definite copyright & license
statement on them.

> Note that f2cl-lib and the code generated by f2cl is under some license.  I
> think it's LGPL, but I'll have to look that up.

Code generated by a translator or compiler is a derivative of the original
source code. I don't see how the author of the translator could impose a
license on the translated code.


Robert Dodier