Maxima Inquiry

On 10/27/2011 8:56 AM, Raymond Toy wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 12:40 AM, Renante Mangumpit 
> <recmanqc at <mailto:recmanqc at>> wrote:
>     Sir:
>     Please can I ask a couple of  information about the
>     above-mentioned Software?
>     1. Does it support GPU acceleration?
> No.  Well, I suppose it could if the underlying Lisp used the GPU.  
> Seems unlikely.
Most lisps support a "foreign function interface" by which a program 
written in C or another language can be invoked. Given suitable support 
in the hardware and operating system, lisp (and thus Maxima) could use it.
Using a GPU for executing run-of-the-mill lisp stuff doesn't seem 
attractive at first glance.

>     2. Does it support distributed networking? (running the same task
>     in parallel computing to speed up the process.)
> No, not directly.  But maxima has sockets so you could set things up 
> yourself to distribute your computing across a network via sockets.
Multiprocessing is not standardized but many lisp implementations have 
one or more versions of this.

> Ray
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