El jue, 27-10-2011 a las 13:06 -0600, Robert Dodier escribi?:
> I read Ihaka's paper a while ago (so I apologize for my faulty memory)
> and iirc he is interested in reimplementing R in Lisp in order to
> make it run faster. I was kind of puzzled by the that. Obviously (well, it's
> obvious to me anyway) the big payoff is to combine numerical and symbolic
> computations.
Yes, this link appeared in this mailing list four years ago:
Also, I remember someone from the R team asked in this list how to call
Maxima from R, since they used Yacas, which was no longer maintained at
that time.
> I would be very interested in porting some R capabilities into Maxima.
> I made a half-hearted effort to implement a "data frame" construct.
> I guess I should finish it.
'amatrix' could be a first step, and I tried once to start from here a
better statistical Maxima framework than descriptive+stats. These two
packages are based on lists, rather than arrays, and they are far from
being optimal for large data sets. And sooner or later, many algorithms
already implemented in Maxima for, say, matrices (which are lists)
should be rewritten in order to operate with arrays. It's not only a
question of writing an statistical package.
Another approach, also discussed in this mailing list, is to call R via
foreign function calls. There were some efforts on this direction,
trying to call R from Common Lisp:
The marriage of Maxima & R is a recursive question, sort of 'Ewige
Wiederkunft', in Friedrich Nietzsches' words.
And well, speaking of Lisp, let's remember an important person for this
community, who passed away some days ago: