[Maxima-commits] Maxima, A Computer Algebra System branch master updated. 765607874d66159c08ac5b1345e8863688645a31

On 10/29/11 3:36 PM, Dieter Kaiser wrote:
> Am Samstag, den 29.10.2011, 09:26 -0700 schrieb Raymond Toy:
>> On 10/29/11 9:09 AM, Andreas Eder wrote:
>>> This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
>>> generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
>>> the project "Maxima, A Computer Algebra System".
>>> The branch, master has been updated
>>>        via  765607874d66159c08ac5b1345e8863688645a31 (commit)
>>>        via  8333a526386da6b3e60df9f3f9e285aea13cf615 (commit)
>>>       from  a2674edd749bb03ac09876bef3ee60ecbe60e422 (commit)
>>> Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
>>> not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
>>> revisions in full, below.
>>>     replace remred by cl function delete-duplicates
>>> diff --git a/src/solve.lisp b/src/solve.lisp
>>> index 9c0cdc2..075b2fb 100644
>>> --- a/src/solve.lisp
>>> +++ b/src/solve.lisp
>>> @@ -906,7 +906,7 @@
>>>  (defmfun $linsolve (eql varl)
>>>    (let (($ratfac))
>>>      (setq eql (if ($listp eql) (cdr eql) (ncons eql)))
>>> -    (setq varl (if ($listp varl) (remred (cdr varl)) (ncons varl)))
>>> +    (setq varl (if ($listp varl) (delete-duplicates (cdr varl)) (ncons varl)))
>>>      (do ((varl varl (cdr varl)))
>>>  	((null varl))
>>>        (when (mnump (car varl))
>>> @@ -915,11 +915,6 @@
>>>  	(make-mlist-simp)
>>>  	(solvex (mapcar 'meqhk eql) varl (not $programmode) nil))))
>>> -;; REMRED removes any repetition that may be in the variables list
>>> -;; The NREVERSE is significant here for some reason?
>>> -
>>> -(defun remred (l) (if l (nreverse (union1 l nil))))
>>> -
>> Is this change correct?  delete-duplicates doesn't seem to be the same
>> as remred since remred reverses the result of union1.  I did not check
>> to see what union1 does, though.  Perhaps it puts things in reverse so
>> nreverse puts them back in the same order?
> At least, for SBCL the functions can return the elements in a different
> order:
> (remred '(a b a c b)) -> (A B C)
> (delete-duplicates '(a b a c b)) -> (A C B)
> I think it is necessary to use the keyword :from-end
> (delete-duplicates '(a b a c b) :from-end t)  -> (A B C)
> In addition I think the test function must be #'equal to get an
> equivalent result:
> (remred '(((mplus) a b) ((mplus) a b)))
> (((MPLUS) A B))
> (delete-duplicates '(((mplus) a b) ((mplus) a b)) :from-end t)
> (((MPLUS) A B) ((MPLUS) A B))
> (delete-duplicates '(((mplus) a b) ((mplus) a b)) :test
> #'equal :from-end t)
> (((MPLUS) A B))
> Perhaps there are some further slightly differences.
Thanks for these tests.  Unless someone *knows* that remred is always
the same as delete-duplicates :from-end t, then I think the change
should be reverted.
