Expand of the Bessel functions when the order is integer
Subject: Expand of the Bessel functions when the order is integer
From: Aleksas Domarkas
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 12:33:56 +0200
Expand of the Bessel functions when the order is integer
"besselexpand:true" not affect when the order is integer
How expand
bessel_j(2,x) to (2*bessel_j(1,x)-bessel_j(0,x)*x)/x
bessel_j(3,x) to
bessel_j(2,2) to bessel_j(1,2)-bessel_j(0,2)
bessel_j(3,2) to bessel_j(1,2)-2*bessel_j(0,2)
bessel_j(4,2) to 2*bessel_j(1,2)-5*bessel_j(0,2) ?
How simplify
bessel_y(1,2)*bessel_j(0,2)-bessel_y(0,2)*bessel_j(1,2) ?
Aleksas D