integrate Principal Value message

Edwin Woollett wrote:
> On Nov. 3, 2011, I wrote:
> --------------------------------
>>Thanks for the suggestion, but if I use this inside shared
>>packaged code, as in Ch. 8, I have the problem that the
>>specification of the dump file name appears to be system
>>dependent (at least unix vs. windows):
> Again using my windows 5.25.1gcl system, just using the
> default working folder, as in
> (%i56) with_stdout("null.txt",
> integrate(sin(x)*(sin(x^2)*(sin(x^3)+1/x)+1/x),x,0,inf));
> (%o56) 'integrate(sin(x)*(sin(x^2)*(sin(x^3)+1/x)+1/x),x,0,inf)
> works for me.  Does this also work in a unix system?

No, it creates a file called "null.txt" containing Principal Value.
Replacing this by "/dev/null" works however.

> Ted

Michel Talon