Helping out with Maxima

Hi Conrad, thanks for offering to help out.

I've taken the liberty of forwarding your message to the Maxima
mailing list. If anyone would like to help Conrad figure out some
things to work on, that would be terrific.

There are two general directions that come to mind. One is that
Maxima needs continuous maintenance to ensure that its
multitude of pieces, assembled over many years and touched
by many hands, continues to function as a whole. The other is
that you may have some particular experience to work on a
particular topic. Perhaps you can tell us a little bit about your

Lisp is not too terribly different from other programming languages
so if you have experience in programming, I think you'll be able
to grasp Lisp as well.

All the best,

Robert Dodier

On 11/5/11, Conrad Schiff <gravmath at> wrote:
> Robert,
>   Hello my name is Conrad Schiff.  I very much appreciate the effort that
> all of you put into Maxima as an open source CAS.  I was wondering if there
> was any way that I might be able to help.  I've got a great deal of
> experience with the development of scientific software and while I'm only a
> beginner at Lisp but I might be able to help with documentation and testing.
> Thanks,
> Conrad