Removing arbitrary values / Hello List

Hey Richard,

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 17:16, Richard Fateman
<fateman at> wrote:
> On 11/10/2011 7:41 AM, cheater cheater wrote:
>> Indeed, I do have this overflow there. Interesting.
> ...
> You still haven't provided the command(s) that produce the output.

I realize - sorry about that. I'm in the process of putting everything
up in a repository. Please bear with me.

> Any result that looks like p(x)*exp(100*r1) + q(x)*exp(1000*r2) is
> extremely likely to be nonsensical unless r1=r2=0.
> My guess is that you have to ?think about what you are asking and what the
> answer means, (if anything).
> I am personally not familiar with lsquares, and I cannot have any useful
> comments about the use of newton-raphson within it.

What do you use or recommend for curve fitting like what I'm doing? I
have a set of points, and I have an equation of the form y = f(x, a,
b, c, ... z) where a ... z are arbitrary parameters (sometimes it's
just a, b, and c, like above).
