Helping out with Maxima

On 11/11/2011 11:05 AM, Michel Talon wrote:
> Although i don't know anything about that, there is supposed to be a comman
> foreign function interface working with Allegro, CMUCL, SBCL, ECL,
> and swig has a module which can do the wrapping in an automated
> wayhttp://
> It can also wrap for clisp, which covers Windows use, i think.
I have not tried CFFI.   I have used only one FFI, in Allegro Common 
Lisp.  My understanding as of a few years ago
was that CFFI or UFFI supported only a subset of features.  I do not 
know how this has changed
over time, or if any of the features matter to Maxima.    I would 
encourage someone to look at it though!