bessel.lisp error codes and noisy quad_qagi

On Nov. 11, 2011, Raymond Toy wrote:
>> quad_qagi.  The rest of the zbesk ierr = stuff is not needed,
>> For my purposes, this is noise.
>I was thinking of slightly bigger picture than your nint.  Right now,
>message is the only way to know that zbesk might not be doing what you
>think it is.  There ought to be a way for a program to determine that.
>For you particular issue, I also see no reason for quad_qagi to continue
>doing any more computations with bogus results from zbesk.  If zbesk
>indicate failure, then quad_qagi could immediately return failure.  That
>would be more robust for your purposes.  It's hard to tell if quad_qagi
>would return success even if zbesk was completely failing.  Worst case:
>zbesk is totally broken and returns 0 for everything.  quad_qagi would
>think everything was fine and give a nice "reliable" answer.
I agree that a wider and deeper approach would be valuable.

A possible approach to quiet mode error handling
    with Maxima special functions is sketched out

We need:

1.  a global list,   spfun_errL,   by default empty

2.  a global flag,  spfun_quiet_mode,   by default false

When a layered package program (such as nint)
calls quad_qagi, etc, the calling program first
sets spfun_quiet_mode:true and makes sure that
spfun_errL is an empty list (length zero).

Inside quad_qagi, for example,
between each successive refinement of the value
of the numerical integral (increase in number
of mesh points, etc.) quad_qagi examines the
global list spfun_errL to see if it is empty
 or has length greater than zero, in which
case quad_qagi, etc, returns with an error
code of 6.

(See below for how spfun_errL gets populated
with sublists.)

Although in principle, the action taken by a
program which calls special functions
could vary, depending on the contents
of spfun_errL, quad_qagi could just return a list
with the approximation reached at the previous
iteration, except that an error code = 6 would be
used as the fourth element of the list returned.

If the program calling quad_qagi is nint, that
error code = 6 return from quad_qagi would
trigger an appropriate message to the user of the
program, and nint would be responsible for
resetting the list spfun_errL to an empty
list before further calls, and also setting
the flag spfun_quiet_mode to its default
value false before exiting the program.

Populating spfun_errL:

Each of the Maxima special functions is given an
id number (bessel-j,1) (bessel-y,2), (bessel-i,3),
 (bessel-k,4),   etc in their code.

When a Maxima special function (such as bessel-k) detects an error code
such as is returned from zbesk.lisp, and if spfun_quiet_mode
is true, then instead of printing an error message to
the console, bessel-k conses the sublist [id-num, 
into spfun_errL and returns something appropriate
(perhaps 0.0)  to quad_qagi.

If the integrand needs calls to more than one
special function, and if more than one such call results
in an error, then more than one sublist will appear in

An interactive user of numerical values of Bessel functions
would have the option of depending on the usual printed
error warning, or of using the same spfun_quiet_mode.
In the latter case, the populated list spfun_errL could be
used for diagnostics, including the improvement of
the bessel function routines.

If the list spfun_errL is actually initially a Lisp list,
then the corresponding Maxima list could be created via a
plain words translation of the id-num value and ierr value
into, for example, bessel_k, overflow or underflow.

If all Maxima special functions adopted a common meaning
for numerical error return numbers, the job would be
