> > So the error doesn't seem to make sense.
> AFAICS sbcl wants to grab 8 GB of memory and limit for virtual
> memory is 4.8 GB, no wonder that allocation fails. This is
> known problem with SuSe (which you seem to be using).
I think it shouldn't grab 8 GB when it has the information that that is
not available (and it shouldn't need it).
> The
> simplest workaround is:
> ulimit -v unlimited
Yes, that worked, thanks (though I have a bit of a problem with that).
> Concerning speed: sbcl is my main platform for developing FriCAS.
> On FriCAS testsuite sbcl (with default speed/safety setting) is
> about 3 times as fast as ECL (with safety lowerd to 1 -- note
> that ECL default is 2 which results in much slower code).
> But of course speed factor depends on actual code, and
> may be quite different for Maxima (on specific routines I
> frequently see ratios very far from average).
As I've written in my other e-mail, on the mixture of our applications
Sbcl is only 30% faster than Ecl (but needs 50% more time with loading
That's interesting about the Ecl safety level --- I guess that needed
to be lowered when building Maxima, and it's not so clear how
to do that? And when running Maxima, would one need a preloaded
lisp-file with the appropriate instruction?
Thanks for your help.