thanks for the hint. But in my case maxima get's it input from an formula
editor which represents it's data in openmath and parses it to mathematical
This parser produces output like n(n+1). So probalby the problem is exactly
at this point. Or is there a alternative to get openmath into maxima
(directly to the input or its syntax)?
2011/11/13 Richard Fateman <fateman at>
> On 11/13/2011 6:17 AM, Luasjian wrote:
>> Hey everybody,
>> is it possible to do a multiplication without an asterik?
>> I don't mean a function call but something like 2n understood as 2*n
>> or a(b+c) as a*(b+c)
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Luajian
> This is probably a bad idea unless you have another syntax in mind for
> sin(x), which usually does not mean sin*x.
> Mathematica does this, requiring the user to type Sin[x].
> Is that what you want?
> It is certainly possible to write another parser for Maxima. Or use the
> Mathematica parser written in Lisp that I've posted, or that someone else
> posted on sourceforge (Mockmma).