On 11/14/2011 12:29 PM, Richard Fateman wrote:
> On 11/14/11 11:39 AM, Paul Bowyer wrote:
>> Hello again, maxima users:
>> I'm trying ECL as an experiment because I see that it has the ability 
>> to generate stand-alone executable programs by compiling to 'c' 
>> rather than saved lisp core images that other lisps use and I'm 
>> wondering if that might be something that can be done with the maxima 
>> installation somehow.
>> I don't know very much about what might be involved so I'm asking in 
>> relative ignorance of what the possibilities are of using that mode 
>> of generating a stand-alone executable of the maxima program.
>> I'm sure I need to know a lot more about what I'm asking before I can 
>> even ask an intelligent question on the subject, so this is just a 
>> 'dumb' question at the moment.
>> Thanks for any insights you may have,
>> Paul Bowyer
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> pretty much a pointless exercise if you are to be faithful to what 
> Maxima does.
> Since Maxima can execute commands like
> :lisp    ... insert here anything that can be done by lisp....
> your stand-alone executable would have to include all of lisp, anyway.
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I hadn't thought of that aspect of maxima.

I haven't used maxima to call lisp directly, so barring that usage, 
would compiling maxima down to a stand-alone executable be practical?

Paul Bowyer