On 11/14/2011 01:06 PM, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> What exactly is your goal, and why would a "stand-alone executable" be
> better for your needs than a saved core image?
> And what exactly do you think the difference is between a stand-alone
> executable for Maxima and a saved core image? After all, a
> full-function Maxima system needs most of the functionality of the
> underlying Lisp system, including things like garbage collection which
> require certain low-level runtime conventions to be respected. And
> Maxima needs 'eval' if you're going to allow the user to define
> functions in Maxima and translate them into Lisp. This is ignoring
> explicit escape mechanisms like :lisp and ?atoms.
> -s
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 15:43, Paul Bowyer <pbowyer at olynet.com
> <mailto:pbowyer at olynet.com>> wrote:
> On 11/14/2011 12:29 PM, Richard Fateman wrote:
> On 11/14/11 11:39 AM, Paul Bowyer wrote:
> Hello again, maxima users:
> I'm trying ECL as an experiment because I see that it has
> the ability to generate stand-alone executable programs by
> compiling to 'c' rather than saved lisp core images that
> other lisps use and I'm wondering if that might be
> something that can be done with the maxima installation
> somehow.
> I don't know very much about what might be involved so I'm
> asking in relative ignorance of what the possibilities are
> of using that mode of generating a stand-alone executable
> of the maxima program.
> I'm sure I need to know a lot more about what I'm asking
> before I can even ask an intelligent question on the
> subject, so this is just a 'dumb' question at the moment.
> Thanks for any insights you may have,
> Paul Bowyer
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> pretty much a pointless exercise if you are to be faithful to
> what Maxima does.
> Since Maxima can execute commands like
> :lisp ... insert here anything that can be done by lisp....
> your stand-alone executable would have to include all of lisp,
> anyway.
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> Maxima mailing list
> Maxima at math.utexas.edu <mailto:Maxima at math.utexas.edu>
> http://www.math.utexas.edu/mailman/listinfo/maxima
> I hadn't thought of that aspect of maxima.
> I haven't used maxima to call lisp directly, so barring that
> usage, would compiling maxima down to a stand-alone executable be
> practical?
> Paul Bowyer
> _______________________________________________
> Maxima mailing list
> Maxima at math.utexas.edu <mailto:Maxima at math.utexas.edu>
> http://www.math.utexas.edu/mailman/listinfo/maxima
Stavros, Ray:
I'm uncertain what my goals might be because I don't yet know enough
about the subject. I was only asking what the possibilities were.
I experiment with different things on my computer to see what I can do
and this looked interesting because my experience with lisp core images
(not much experience though) has been that they tend to be very large. I
would be much happier with common lisp written applications if I could
get past the very large core images required for executables.
Ray wrote:
Maxima running with gcl does this. But as Richard points out, it
contains gcl (including compiler) and maxima all in one. Maxima with
cmucl can also create a "standalone" executable.
I was unaware that gcl already did this, but I think it makes sense
because it was very fast on my computer when I used it.
I sometimes attempt to write code that does some mathematics and rather
than re-inventing the wheel I thought it would/could be interesting to
use already written open-source software such as portions of maxima
(providing I could understand which portions I needed and had the
okey-doaky to do so) in something I might try writing.
I'm just pondering the possibilities at the moment without any clear-cut
directions to my mental meanderings.
Paul Bowyer