Operating Maxima out of another program by a TCP connection
Subject: Operating Maxima out of another program by a TCP connection
From: Michel Talon
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 10:39:23 +0000 (UTC)
GP wrote:
> <maxima-list <at> ssteiner.com> writes:
>> Dear Maxima experts,
>> I'd like to operate Maxima out of a self-programmed software by using a TCP
> connection. I use Windows
Last time i tried, the invocation that worked for me was described as such:
First you open a listening socket, for example with netcat
nc -l 8888
Then you connect maxima to the socket in the following way:
maxima -r ":lisp (setup-client 8888)"
Here you execute the function setup-client defined in server.lisp which
connects to port 8888.
I have just checked this works on my laptop. But using maxima -s or the like
did not work. I cannot help you on the Windows side.
Michel Talon