On 11/22/2011 7:03 AM, Michel Talon wrote:
> Robert Dodier wrote:
>> integrate(acos(1+%i*x),x,-1,2);
> hangs.
> Indeed i see the same here under sbcl and maxima 5.25.1.
> I have a backtrace which supports looping always on the same computation:
> 0: (SB-KERNEL:TWO-ARG-+ -4199579596574115072 -317738973225728000)
> 1: (CPLUS -4199579596574115072 -317738973225728000)
> 2: (PCPLUS -317738973225728000 -4199579596574115072)
> 3: (PPLUS -317738973225728000 -4199579596574115072)
> 4: (PPLUS1
> (14 -317738973225728000 10 1470207527488473600 6 -197927315224332800)
> (14 -4199579596574115072 10 10377946040669729152 6 -940439922132963072 2
.... snip
It would be most surprising if the bug were in ptimes or pplus, which
are multiplying and adding polynomials.
One might question how this integration problem was transformed so as to
need the multiplication
of polynomials of degrees 44 and 27, repeatedly.