I was looking for a solution to bug 3439895:
I guess the issue is that makelist is a defmspec function and makeset is a
defun function. For inspiration, I looked at the source for makelist :(
(1) Possibly makelist is too flexible; for example (midly silly)
(%i1) makelist(i+j, i+j, [1,2,3]);
(%o1) [1,2,3]
But (total weirdness)
(%i2) makelist(integrate(f(x),x), integrate(f(x),x), [1,2,3]);
(%o2) [integrate(f(x),x),integrate(f(x),x),integrate(f(x),x)]
Quoting the first integrate allows this to return [1,2,3]. Try explaining
that in the
user documentation. Finally,
(%i4) makelist(2,2,[1,2,3]);
Only symbols can be bound; found: 2
Compare this to makelist(i+j, i+j, [1,2,3]) --> [1,2,3] (i+j can be bound
(2) The call to $ev in makelist had bothered me since the Clinton
The unredacted: (unlike current makelist, no calls to $ev; runs the
testsuite & share testsuite OK)
(defmspec $makelist (l)
(let* ((fn (pop l))
(e (if l (pop l) nil))
(k (if l (pop l) nil))
(lo (if l (meval (pop l)) nil))
(hi (if l (meval (pop l)) nil))
(step (if l (meval (pop l)) 1))
(lf) (n) (q nil))
(if l (wna-err (car fn)))
(if (and k (not (or (symbolp k) ($subvarp k))))
(merror (intl:gettext "makelist: second argument must be
symbol; found: ~M") k))
(if lo (setq lf (let (($opsubst t)) (maxima-substitute (gensym) k
`((lambda) ((mlist) ,k) ,e)))))
;;(if lo (setq lf (subst (gensym) k `((lambda) ((mlist) ,k) ,e) :test
(cond (hi
(setq n (add 1 (take '($floor) (div (sub hi lo) step))))
(if (not (integerp n)) (merror (intl:gettext "makelist:
noninteger number of list members")))
(dotimes (i n) (push (mfuncall lf (add lo (mul i step))) q))
(setq q (reverse q)))
(lo (setq q (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (mfuncall lf s)) (margs lo))))
(setq k (cond (k k)
(e 1)
(t 0)))
(if (integerp k) (dotimes (i k) (push e q)) (merror
(intl:gettext "makelist: noninteger number of list members")))))
(push '(mlist) q))) ;; defmspec automatically simplifies, I think.
(3) One difference between this makelist and the current makelist:
(%i1) a : 6$
(%i2) makelist(a[i], a[i], [1,2,3]);
apply: found a evaluates to 6 where a function was expected.
(%i3) load("stuff-and-junk/makelist.lisp")$
(%i4) makelist(a[i], a[i], [1,2,3]);
(%o4) [1,2,3]
(4) Advice? Makeset is a function that didn't need to be written, I think.
And so it goes.
I could pattern makeset off my version of makelist?