On 11/22/11 10:54 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 11/22/11, Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Now that we are using git, I would like to propose that the maxima version
>> string contained in *autoconf-version* be more automatic and precise.
> OK by me.
>> There is one issue mentioned above. Currently, we have to use "git
>> describe --tags --dirty" instead of "git describe --dirty" because there
>> are no annotated tags. We should probably create annotated tags when tag
>> the releases.
> I don't know anything about annotated tags. I'm guessing it means
> attaching an arbitrary string to a tag. If so, I'm against it.
> I'd rather the version were entirely mechanical.
I think all you need to do is say "git tag -a <newtag> -m <comment>" to
enter <comment> as an annotation for the tag. I assume you've just been
doing "git tag <newtag>".
Not sure what you mean by mechanical. I don't think I'm proposing any
change on your part except to use -a and -m. You could even make the
comment the tag name. Or whatever.
This means you have to tag before you build. It might also mean that
versions will always say "dirty" because of the sharefiles.mk issue
which we haven't resolved yet. But is useful when someone ways 5.25post
doesn't work and someone else says 5.25post does because we can see that
the 5.25post versions are actually different via build_info().