On 11/25/2011 03:29 PM, Michel Talon wrote:
> :executable t)
I just tried another simple lisp executable using both ECL and SBCL and
my version of SBCL produces a non-running program. I think I may need to
upgrade it.
My simple lisp file:
;;A simple common lisp program
(princ "Define a simple function, TEST-FUNCTION") (terpri)
(defun test-function (x y)
(format t "~D + ~D is equal to ~D~%" x y (+ x y)))
(princ "TEST-FUNCTION has been created") (terpri)
(princ "Calling TEST-FUNCTION") (terpri)
(test-function 1 1)
(princ "Finished") (terpri)
I changed to the folder where the code was located and ran:
(compile-file "file.lisp")
(load "file")
(save-lisp-and-die "sbclcore" :executable t)
The executable "sbclcore" was produced:
ls -l sbclcore
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pfb pfb 32350236 Nov 26 07:22 sbclcore*
but when I run it, I just get
as the output and I have to CTRL-D out of it.
My ECL version of the same code, named "mysimpleprog" runs without
Notice again the difference in their sizes:
s -l mysimpleprog
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pfb pfb 35692 Nov 26 07:06 mysimpleprog*
"32350236" for sbcl and "35692" for ecl
As I was writing my original message yesterday, my mother fell in
another room of the house and broke her hip, so I may not be able answer
back again very soon. Things are very hectic here at the present.