Subject: Maxima 5.25.1 on Mac gnuplot problem - no window
From: Alexander Hansen
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 07:53:59 -0500
Hash: SHA1
On 11/30/11 6:04 AM, Jaime Villate wrote:
> On 11/30/2011 08:35 AM, Javier Arantegui wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Same problem here. My system is:
>> Maxima version: 5.25.1 Maxima build date: 9:14 9/5/2011 Host
>> type: i686-apple-darwin10.8.0 Lisp implementation type: SBCL Lisp
>> implementation version: 1.0.47
>> Mac OS X: 10.7.2
>> Gnuplot: Version 4.2 patchlevel 6
>> AquaTerm: 1.0.1
>> Javier
>> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 6:27 AM, Hermann Klocker
>> <hermann.klocker at> wrote:
>>> Trying a simple command which should invoke gnuplot (and does
>>> on a windows machine) like:
>>> load("draw");
>>> draw3d(surface_hide=true,color=red,implicit(5*x+y+z=3,x,-1,1,y,-1,1,z,-1,1));
gives just
>>> [gr3d(implicit)]
>>> and no other output. I tried some recent older versions but to
>>> no success, but I remember it working some years ago.
>>> Any hint?
> How about plot3d (3-5*x-y, [x,-1,1], [y,-1,1], [z,-1,1]); ? Will
> that produce any graph in your system?
> Regards, Jaime
On my system:
Maxima version: 5.25.1
Maxima build date: minutes ago
Host type: x86_64-apple-darwin11.2.0
Lisp implementation type: SBCL
Lisp implementation version: 1.0.51
Mac OS X: 10.7.2
Gnuplot: Version 4.4 patchlevel 4
AquaTerm: 1.0.1
the draw3d(...) command above works, _BUT_ it overrides my gnuplot
environment setting and plots in an X11 window. If Javier and Hermann
don't have X11 support in their gnuplot, that might explain what's
going on.
The plot3d(...) command plots in an AquaTerm window, as per my
environment settings.
- --
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin)
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