Subject: Maxima 5.25.1 on Mac gnuplot problem - no window
From: Jaime Villate
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2011 14:15:04 +0000
On 12/02/2011 09:43 PM, Michel Talon wrote:
> BUT, if i get a gnuplot plot through maxima, it comes out in an X window, like
> that:
> lilas% maxima
> (%i1) plot3d ( 5, [theta, 0, %pi], [phi, 0, 2*%pi],
> [plot_format,xmaxima],
> [transform_xy, spherical_to_xyz],
> [palette,[value,0.65,0.7,0.1,0.9]])$
> The window has this title: Xmaxima: Plot3d, the ball is included in a cube
> that i can rotate, and the Mac TitleBar is X11 ?.
> I don't have any idea why it is so, i don't have any particular configuration
> about graphics in my .maxima. Probably the only non standard thing i have is
> that my maxima is compiled here.
Hi Michel,
in this second case you are no longer using gnuplot. You are using
xmaxima to
draw the plot. The X11 Window that you are seeing is created by Tk which
does add
mouse support. By the way, did you get that Mac OS precompiled version from
the Maxima Sourceforge site? did it work, or did you have to do anything
to make it work? I've heard a lot of complaints of people not being able
to use
xmaxima with the precompiled Mac OS X package.