bigfloats of special functions (e.g. Bessel).. wasRe: integrate bessel_j errcatch?

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 9:30 AM, Richard Fateman
<fateman at>wrote:

> On 11/9/2011 12:44 PM, Barton Willis wrote:
>> In addition to being slow, only the 2F1 hypergeometric function
>> analytically continues to outside the convergence disk.
>> --Barton
> I have been looking around at the literature on "unrestricted algorithms"
> for elementary and special functions,
> esp. work by Richard Brent.
> These are algorithms appropriate for bigfloats in that instead of compute
> sin(x), or bessel_j(0,x),
> for a given x,   take another parameter n, where n is the number of bits
> of precision required.

Do you have a link?  I looked sometime ago for some algorithms for bessel
functions and only found one using Hadamard series ( and
some variations thereof.  Never got them to converge but I only spent a
short time on them.  The algorithms weren't difficult, but I was not smart
enough to get them to converge.
