I've found a slight problem with using the breqn option and physical
constants from the physical_constants.mac package. The reason is that
\m m_\mathrm{e}\\
Compiles fine if emaxima latex package is used as:
but fails to compile if
is used. The problem can be worked around by putting a set of braces
under the sub-scripted part, i.e.:
\m m_{\mathrm{e}}\\
However the physical constants in physical_constants.mac do not have
this extra set of wrapping braces.
Anybody else seeing this?
I'm using:
\ProvidesExplPackage{breqn}{2009/08/07}{0.98a}{Breaking equations}
Bojan Nikolic Tel: +44 1223 746432
Astrophysics Group Fax: +44 1223 354599
Cavendish Laboratory
Cambridge CB3 0HE