Fork of maxima for make it more embeddable.

Michael Filonenko <filonenko.mikhail at> writes:
> Goal of fork to provide maxima from quicklisp. Maxima big project and I
> need community opinion about fork. I am ready to merge my changes with
> main repo. Only non-mathematical parts were changed by me.

Hmm. Well, a public github fork is a pretty awful way to develop
features on changing code unless that code is also in github. How are
you going to incorporate changes to core maxima into your fork without
rewriting history?

If you're hoping to get Robert Dodier and the other core maxima
developers to use your work, I would suggest carefully writing a
(small!) patch-set based on the Maxima trunk/HEAD/whatever containing:

  1. The changes
  2. An explanation of what the patch does
  3. An explanation for Maxima developers about why they should want to
     pull your changes

Note that there are several build systems exposed by Maxima at the
moment and this is intentional. Patches that just drop the mk:defsystem
code will probably be ignored. That said, they don't stop the ASDF code
From working, so you can probably leave them be.

This is just my opinion: I'm a Maxima and Lisp user, but definitely not
a Maxima developer. I might well be right, though.

> Also it will be possible to develop some maxima graphical interface
> using pure-lisp solutions.

Is that an assertion or a question?

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