Fork of maxima for make it more embeddable.

On 1/9/12 12:02 PM, Camm Maguire wrote:
>>>> The main issue is if asdf will work with gcl.   We still build maxima
>>>> with gcl, right?  That would be a show stopper.
> Greetings!  Needless to say, if you need asdf to work on gcl, it will
> work on gcl.  But I'd like to focus my development time on what is being
> actually used in real applications.
Are you saying asdf does not currently work with gcl, but you'll make it
work?  That would be very nice.  I suspect quicklisp does not run with
gcl, but we don't really care about that right now as long as gcl can
use asdf to build maxima.
