Subject: Fork of maxima for make it more embeddable.
From: Aleksej Saushev
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2012 00:00:20 +0400
Michael Filonenko <filonenko.mikhail at> writes:
> 2012/1/8 Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at>:
>> On 1/7/12 1:16 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
>>> About your project to create a Quicklisp-able Maxima, I think that
>>> is a valuable goal, and I'm 100% in favor of you (or anyone)
>>> creating their own projects based on Maxima. That said, since
>>> you have changed the build system a lot, I am hesitant to
>>> merge those changes into Maxima. I am no big fan of defsystem,
>>> but changing the build system could affect people who are
>>> building packages or installations.
>> I haven't tried it, but I think using asdf instead of defsystem to build
>> maxima shouldn't be very hard. ?Switching the existing defsystems to
>> asdf shouldn't be too hard either since the basic syntax is pretty much
>> compatible.
>> The main issue is if asdf will work with gcl. ? We still build maxima
>> with gcl, right? ?That would be a show stopper.
> sbcl supports all major operating systems.
Except that it doesn't support some of them well enough.
(That GCL is even worse in this respect is another issue.)