new defint.lisp bug - was: new defint.lisp and radexpand:false?

On Jan. 11, 2012, Richard Fateman wrote:
>> (%i3) integrate(exp(x^5),x,1,2);
>> (%o3) (gamma_incomplete(1/5,-32)-gamma_incomplete(1/5,-1))/5
>for what it is worth, Mathematica 7 returns
>1/5 (-1)^(4/5) (Gamma[1/5, -32] - Gamma[1/5, -1])}
>Notice the factor of (-1)^(4/5).
This is a very important observation, and explains
a difference between Maxima and Mathematica results
for these type of integrals.  Maxima evaluates the
factor (-1)^(4/5) numerically to 1.0, which differs
from Mathematica's evaluation (see below).

Here I consider a different (but related via a simple
change of variables)  integral, and compare in detail
the results from Maxima and Mathematica (using the
Wolfram alpha site).

Maxima 5.25.1
using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8 (a.k.a. GCL)

(%i1) integrate(exp(y)/y^(4/5),y,1,2);
(%o1) gamma_incomplete(1/5,-2)-gamma_incomplete(1/5,-1)

/*  MMa NIntegrate[Exp[y]/y^(4/5),{y,1,2}] yields
    (-1)^(4/5)*(Gamma[1/5,-2] - Gamma[1/5,-1])    
    does not agree with Maxima, since in Mathematica
    (-1)^(4/5) float value is not 1.0, whereas
    is does have value 1.0 in Maxima.  */

(%i2) expand(float(%o1));
(%o2) -1.951024982232477*%i-2.685355511932373

/* this Maxima float value agrees with the first 14 digits of
     Mma's   N[Gamma[1/5,-2] - Gamma[1/5,-1]] which gives 
    -2.685355511932382... -1.951024982232483... i
    which translates into
    -2.685355511932382 - 1.951024982232483*%i     */
 /* the approximate (real) value of the integral
    is given by quad_qags  */     

(%i3) quad_qags(exp(y)/y^(4/5),y,1,2);
(%o3) [3.319281956502171,3.6851432533315483E-14,21,0]

   /* Maxima gives value 1.0 to (-1)^(4/5)  */

(%i4) expand(float(-1)^(4/5));
(%o4) 1.0

  /* whereas Mathematica gives
    N[(-1)^(4/5)]  --->  
      -0.8090169943749474... + 0.5877852522924731... i

      which translates into
      -0.8090169943749474 + 0.5877852522924731*%i     
 If we multiply this factor by %o2 and expand we get the
   correct numerical answer to within floating point roundoff
   errors:    */
(%i5) expand((-0.8090169943749474 + 0.5877852522924731*%i)*%o2);

(%o5) 4.4408920985006262E-16*%i+3.319281956502161

/* the above was with 5.25.1 defint.lisp.
   The updated version makes no difference here  */
(%i6) load("defint-new.lisp");
(%o6) "c:/work2/defint-new.lisp"

(%i7) integrate(exp(y)/y^(4/5),y,1,2);
(%o7) gamma_incomplete(1/5,-2)-gamma_incomplete(1/5,-1)

(%i8) expand(float(%));
(%o8) -1.951024982232477*%i-2.685355511932373
