new defint.lisp bug - was: new defint.lisp andradexpand:false?
Subject: new defint.lisp bug - was: new defint.lisp andradexpand:false?
From: Rupert Swarbrick
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 00:45:47 +0000
"Richard Hennessy" <rich.hennessy at> writes:
> Sorry about the multiple posts but here is my last one.
> integrate(exp(x^7),x);
> gamma_incomplete(1/7,-x^7)*(1-signum(x))/14-%e^-(%i*%pi/7)*gamma_incomplete(1/7,-x^7)*(signum(x)+1)/14;
> This is simpler but it is discontinuous at 0. I can live with that.
> Rich
I confess I've been pretty much ignoring this discussion but: Are you
claiming that you have a function that is not continuous but is an
antiderivative of exp(x^7)?
I presume that you have some understanding of how continuity is affected
by integration and differentation. Also, x |-> exp(x^7) is smooth.
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