defint.lisp and limit.lisp ver. 1-12-2012: gcl bug?
Subject: defint.lisp and limit.lisp ver. 1-12-2012: gcl bug?
From: Edwin Woollett
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 14:27:01 -0800
On Jan. 12, 2012, Dan Gildea wrote, in fixing and closing
bug # 3470385 -
integrate (exp (sqrt) ) gcl bug
the following:
>Fixed in limit.lisp and defint.lisp.
>We still need domain:complex to prevent (-1)^(2/3) => -1.
>(%i4) domain:complex;
>(%o4) complex
>(%i5) integrate(exp(sqrt(x^3)),x,0,1);
>(%o5) 2*((-1)^(1/3)*gamma_incomplete(2/3,-1)-(-1)^(1/3)*gamma(2/3))/3
I have downloaded the new limit.lisp and new defint.lisp
from git, and ** gcl ** does not get the same results.
Effectively a meaningless result is returned, so I can
not check the above.
Maxima 5.25.1
using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8 (a.k.a. GCL)
(%i1) load("defint-new.lisp");
(%o1) "c:/work2/defint-new.lisp"
(%i2) load("limit-new.lisp");
(%o2) "c:/work2/limit-new.lisp"
(%i3) domain:complex;
(%o3) complex
(%i4) integrate(exp(sqrt(x^3)),x,0,1);
(%o4) %e^sqrt(x^3)
Just to explore other options in gcl:
try domain = real and try
first domain = real
(%i5) domain:real;
(%o5) real
(%i6) integrate(exp(sqrt(x^3)),x,0,1);
(%o6) %e^x^(3/2)
(%i7) radexpand;
(%o7) true
next domain = real, radexpand=false
(%i8) radexpand:false;
(%o8) false
(%i9) domain;
(%o9) real
(%i10) integrate(exp(sqrt(x^3)),x,0,1);
(%o10) %e^sqrt(x^3)
finally domain=complex, radexpand=false
(%i13) domain:complex;
(%o13) complex
(%i14) integrate(exp(sqrt(x^3)),x,0,1);
(%o14) %e^sqrt(x^3)
On Jan 12 I wrote
>Here I consider a different (but related via a simple
>change of variables) integral, and compare in detail
>the results from Maxima and Mathematica (using the
>Wolfram alpha site).
>(%i1) integrate(exp(y)/y^(4/5),y,1,2);
>(%o1) gamma_incomplete(1/5,-2)-gamma_incomplete(1/5,-1)
>/* MMa NIntegrate[Exp[y]/y^(4/5),{y,1,2}] yields
> (-1)^(4/5)*(Gamma[1/5,-2] - Gamma[1/5,-1])
> does not agree with Maxima, since in Mathematica
> (-1)^(4/5) float value is not 1.0, whereas
> is does have value 1.0 in Maxima. */
>(%i1) integrate(exp(y)/y^(4/5),y,1,2);
>(%o1) gamma_incomplete(1/5,-2)-gamma_incomplete(1/5,-1)
> etc.
Here I try that same integral using the defint-new.lisp
and limit-new.lisp (versions posted 1-12-2012)
(%i15) radexpand:true;
(%o15) true
(%i16) [radexpand,domain];
(%o16) [true,complex]
(%i17) integrate(exp(y)/y^(4/5),y,1,2);
(%o17) %e^y/y^(4/5)
The new defint.lisp (1-12-2012) does change the
evaluation of (-1)^(4/5) if domain=complex:
(%i18) (-1)^(4/5);
(%o18) (-1)^(4/5)
(%i19) float(%);
(%o19) 1.0*(-1)^(4/5)
(%i20) expand(float(rectform( (-1)^(4/5))));
(%o20) 0.58778525229247*%i-0.80901699437495
(%i21) domain;
(%o21) complex
(%i22) domain:real;
(%o22) real
(%i23) expand(float(rectform( (-1)^(4/5))));
(%o23) 1.0
Ted Woollett