On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at gmail.com>wrote:
> Steve, I'm glad to hear that lexical scope is indeed achievable,
> although I'm dismayed to find it's rather clumsy.
> About macrology, a LET-like macro which guaranteed lexical
> binding seems useful.
Like emacs' lexical-let?
> The stuff about programming conventions is beside the point;
> either the programming language guarantees lexical binding
> or it doesn't. You will recall we arrived here because
> reasonable people made different assumptions about symbol LB.
Recall that maxima has the declare unspecial feature that makes symbols
that were special no longer special. I think all the lisps we build with
have this ability. But I'd rather make all special symbols follow the
*convention*. Unfortunately, I don't think we can do this without a lot of
manual work because we need to be able to tell if the variable is really
the same as some other special variable in some other file.