make-array with initial-contents in gcl is slow

Greetings!  And thanks for your report!

If you would cae to try out the pach below, I'd be most appreciative!

Index: lsp/gcl_arraylib.lsp
RCS file: /sources/gcl/gcl/lsp/gcl_arraylib.lsp,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.1.2.1 gcl_arraylib.lsp
--- lsp/gcl_arraylib.lsp	14 Sep 2003 02:30:35 -0000
+++ lsp/gcl_arraylib.lsp	18 Jan 2012 17:58:46 -0000
@@ -74,47 +74,73 @@
 (defun make-array (dimensions
 		   &key (element-type t)
-			(initial-element nil)
+			initial-element
 			(initial-contents nil initial-contents-supplied-p)
 			adjustable fill-pointer
 			displaced-to (displaced-index-offset 0)
   (when (integerp dimensions) (setq dimensions (list dimensions)))
-  (setq element-type (best-array-element-type element-type))
-  (cond ((= (length dimensions) 1)
-	 (let ((x (si:make-vector element-type (car dimensions)
-	                          adjustable fill-pointer
-	                          displaced-to displaced-index-offset
-	                          static initial-element)))
-	   (when initial-contents-supplied-p
-		 (do ((n (car dimensions))
-		      (i 0 (1+ i)))
-		     ((>= i n))
-		   (declare (fixnum n i))
-		   (si:aset x i (elt initial-contents i))))
-	   x))
-        (t
-	 (let ((x
-		(make-array1
-		       (the fixnum(get-aelttype element-type))
-			static initial-element 
-		       displaced-to (the fixnum displaced-index-offset)
-		       dimensions)))
-	   (if fill-pointer (error "fill pointer for 1 dimensional arrays only"))
-           (unless (member 0 dimensions)
-	   (when initial-contents-supplied-p
-		 (do ((cursor
-		       (make-list (length dimensions)
-		                  :initial-element 0)))
-		     (nil)
-		     (declare (:dynamic-extent cursor))
-		   (aset-by-cursor x
-			           (sequence-cursor initial-contents
-			                            cursor)
-				   cursor)
-		   (when (increment-cursor cursor dimensions)
-                          (return nil)))))
-            x))))
+  (setq element-type (or (upgraded-array-element-type element-type) 'character))
+  (if (= (length dimensions) 1)
+      (let ((x (si:make-vector element-type (car dimensions) adjustable (when fill-pointer (car dimensions))
+			       displaced-to displaced-index-offset static initial-element)))
+	(when initial-contents-supplied-p
+	  (replace x initial-contents))
+	(when (and fill-pointer (not (eq t fill-pointer))) (setf (fill-pointer x) fill-pointer))
+	x)
+    (let ((x (make-array1 (get-aelttype element-type) static initial-element displaced-to displaced-index-offset dimensions)))
+      (if fill-pointer (error "fill pointer for 1 dimensional arrays only"))
+      (unless (member 0 dimensions)
+	(when initial-contents-supplied-p
+	  (do ((j nil t)(cursor (make-list (length dimensions) :initial-element 0)))
+	      ((when j (increment-cursor cursor dimensions)))
+	      (declare (:dynamic-extent cursor))
+	      (aset-by-cursor x (sequence-cursor initial-contents cursor) cursor))))
+      x)))
+;; (defun make-array (dimensions
+;; 		   &key (element-type t)
+;; 			(initial-element nil)
+;; 			(initial-contents nil initial-contents-supplied-p)
+;; 			adjustable fill-pointer
+;; 			displaced-to (displaced-index-offset 0)
+;; 			static)
+;;   (when (integerp dimensions) (setq dimensions (list dimensions)))
+;;   (setq element-type (best-array-element-type element-type))
+;;   (cond ((= (length dimensions) 1)
+;; 	 (let ((x (si:make-vector element-type (car dimensions)
+;; 	                          adjustable fill-pointer
+;; 	                          displaced-to displaced-index-offset
+;; 	                          static initial-element)))
+;; 	   (when initial-contents-supplied-p
+;; 		 (do ((n (car dimensions))
+;; 		      (i 0 (1+ i)))
+;; 		     ((>= i n))
+;; 		   (declare (fixnum n i))
+;; 		   (si:aset x i (elt initial-contents i))))
+;; 	   x))
+;;         (t
+;; 	 (let ((x
+;; 		(make-array1
+;; 		       (the fixnum(get-aelttype element-type))
+;; 			static initial-element 
+;; 		       displaced-to (the fixnum displaced-index-offset)
+;; 		       dimensions)))
+;; 	   (if fill-pointer (error "fill pointer for 1 dimensional arrays only"))
+;;            (unless (member 0 dimensions)
+;; 	   (when initial-contents-supplied-p
+;; 		 (do ((cursor
+;; 		       (make-list (length dimensions)
+;; 		                  :initial-element 0)))
+;; 		     (nil)
+;; 		     (declare (:dynamic-extent cursor))
+;; 		   (aset-by-cursor x
+;; 			           (sequence-cursor initial-contents
+;; 			                            cursor)
+;; 				   cursor)
+;; 		   (when (increment-cursor cursor dimensions)
+;;                           (return nil)))))
+;;             x))))
 (defun increment-cursor (cursor dimensions)
Index: lsp/gcl_seqlib.lsp
RCS file: /sources/gcl/gcl/lsp/gcl_seqlib.lsp,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.1.2.2 gcl_seqlib.lsp
--- lsp/gcl_seqlib.lsp	20 Mar 2004 02:00:01 -0000
+++ lsp/gcl_seqlib.lsp	18 Jan 2012 17:58:46 -0000
@@ -149,33 +149,53 @@
 		     (setf (elt sequence i) item))))
-(defun replace (sequence1 sequence2
-	        &key start1  end1
-		     start2 end2 )
-  (with-start-end start1 end1 sequence1
-     (with-start-end start2 end2 sequence2		  
-    (if (and (eq sequence1 sequence2)
-             (> start1 start2))
-        (do* ((i 0 (f+ 1 i))
-              (l (if (<  (f- end1 start1)
-                         (f- end2 start2))
-                      (f- end1 start1)
-                      (f- end2 start2)))
-              (s1 (f+ start1  (f+ -1 l)) (f+ -1 s1))
-              (s2 (f+ start2  (f+ -1 l)) (f+ -1 s2)))
-            ((>= i l) sequence1)
-          (declare (fixnum i l s1 s2))
-          (setf (elt sequence1 s1) (elt sequence2 s2)))
-        (do ((i 0 (f+ 1 i))
-             (l (if (<  (f- end1 start1)
-                        (f- end2 start2))
-                    (f- end1 start1)
-                    (f- end2 start2)))
-             (s1 start1 (f+ 1 s1))
-             (s2 start2 (f+ 1 s2)))
-            ((>= i l) sequence1)
-          (declare (fixnum i l s1 s2))
-          (setf (elt sequence1 s1) (elt sequence2 s2)))))))
+(defun replace (s1 s2 &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2 &aux (os1 s1) s3)
+  (declare (optimize (safety 1))(notinline make-list)(dynamic-extent s3))
+  (check-type s1 sequence)
+  (check-type s2 sequence)
+  (check-type start1 seqind)
+  (check-type start2 seqind)
+  (check-type end1 (or null seqind))
+  (check-type end2 (or null seqind))
+  (when (and (eq s1 s2) (> start1 start2))
+    (setq s3 (make-list (length s2)) s2 (replace s3 s2)))
+  (let* ((lp1 (listp s1)) (lp2 (listp s2))
+	 (e1 (or end1 (if lp1 array-dimension-limit (length s1))))
+	 (e2 (or end2 (if lp2 array-dimension-limit (length s2)))))
+    (do ((i1 start1 (1+ i1))(i2 start2 (1+ i2))
+	 (s1 (if lp1 (nthcdr start1 s1) s1) (if lp1 (cdr s1) s1))
+	 (s2 (if lp2 (nthcdr start2 s2) s2) (if lp2 (cdr s2) s2)))
+	((or (not s1) (>= i1 e1) (not s2) (>= i2 e2)) os1)
+	(let ((e2 (if lp2 (car s2) (aref s2 i2))))
+	  (if lp1 (setf (car s1) e2) (setf (aref s1 i1) e2))))))
+;; (defun replace (sequence1 sequence2
+;; 	        &key start1  end1
+;; 		     start2 end2 )
+;;   (with-start-end start1 end1 sequence1
+;;      (with-start-end start2 end2 sequence2		  
+;;     (if (and (eq sequence1 sequence2)
+;;              (> start1 start2))
+;;         (do* ((i 0 (f+ 1 i))
+;;               (l (if (<  (f- end1 start1)
+;;                          (f- end2 start2))
+;;                       (f- end1 start1)
+;;                       (f- end2 start2)))
+;;               (s1 (f+ start1  (f+ -1 l)) (f+ -1 s1))
+;;               (s2 (f+ start2  (f+ -1 l)) (f+ -1 s2)))
+;;             ((>= i l) sequence1)
+;;           (declare (fixnum i l s1 s2))
+;;           (setf (elt sequence1 s1) (elt sequence2 s2)))
+;;         (do ((i 0 (f+ 1 i))
+;;              (l (if (<  (f- end1 start1)
+;;                         (f- end2 start2))
+;;                     (f- end1 start1)
+;;                     (f- end2 start2)))
+;;              (s1 start1 (f+ 1 s1))
+;;              (s2 start2 (f+ 1 s2)))
+;;             ((>= i l) sequence1)
+;;           (declare (fixnum i l s1 s2))
+;;           (setf (elt sequence1 s1) (elt sequence2 s2)))))))
 ;;; DEFSEQ macro.

John Lapeyre <lapeyre.math122a at> writes:

> In gcl make-array with :initial-contents from a list
> is poorly implemented in that the copying is O(n^2).
> A test on one machine shows that initializing a
> list of length of 5 10^4 takes 1 minute in gcl and a few ms in sbcl.
> This potentially affects some code in the share directory.
> The relevant part of the gcl code in make-array is:
> ((= (length dimensions) 1)
> 	 (let ((x (si:make-vector element-type (car dimensions)
> 	                          adjustable fill-pointer
> 	                          displaced-to displaced-index-offset
> 	                          static initial-element)))
> 	   (when initial-contents-supplied-p
> 		 (do ((n (car dimensions))
> 		      (i 0 (1+ i)))
> 		     ((>= i n))
> 		   (declare (fixnum n i))
> 		   (si:aset x i (elt initial-contents i))))
> 	   x))
> The following passed a quick test:
> ((= (length dimensions) 1)
> 	 (let ((x (si:make-vector element-type (car dimensions)
> 	                          adjustable fill-pointer
> 	                          displaced-to displaced-index-offset
> 	                          static initial-element)))
> 	   (when initial-contents-supplied-p
>              (if (listp initial-contents)
>                  (do ( (e initial-contents (cdr e))
>                         (i 0 (1+ i)))
>                      ((null e))
>                    (declare (fixnum i))
>                    (si:aset x i (car e)))
>                (do ((n (car dimensions))
>                     (i 0 (1+ i)))
>                    ((>= i n))
>                  (declare (fixnum n i))
>                  (si:aset x i (elt initial-contents i)))))
>            x))
> -- John Lapeyre
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Camm Maguire			     		    camm at
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah