problem plotting function

On 1/22/12 8:58 AM, Hugo Coolens wrote:
> I'm facing a problem when plotting the soluation of the following
> differential equation:
> q1:2*6/6.6e-3;
> tau=33e-6;
Perhaps you meant to say tau:33e-6?

> eq:'diff(y,x)+y/tau=q1;
> ode2(eq,y,x);
> sol:ic1(%,x=0,y=-60e-3);
> plot2d(rhs(sol),[x,0,3.3e-3],[y,-100e-3,100e-3]);
> plot2d: expression evaluates to non-numeric value somewhere in plotting

Not surprising because rhs(sol) is an expression containing a symbolic
tau.  That's kind of hard to plot.
