Robert Dodier <robert.dodier <at>> writes:
> Well, I uploaded a file to
> /home/frs/project/m/ma/maxima/Maxima-Windows/5.26.0-Windows
> (path approximate -- working from memory here)
> and I can see the file in sftp. From what I can tell it is just
> like the Linux files so it seems like it should be visible.
> Does someone want to try uploading another file (anything)
> just to see if there is something peculiar about maxima-5.26.0.exe ?
> I've run out of ideas at this point.
> best
> Robert Dodier
Yep - still no files in the 5.26.0-Windows folder when viewed through a web
browser. The folder indicates that there is a single item in it with a size of
30.4MB, but no file is visible.