On 01/24/2012 03:07 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
> Paul,
> thanks for taking the time to build& test Maxima.
> If you are interested, please consider trying to figure out
> why the results differ, and, if you can, supply a patch.
> You can post patches to the mailing list, or better still,
> I can enable svn write permission for you so you can
> commit patches directly.
> Thanks for your interest in Maxima,
> Robert Dodier
I doubt my math skills and my grasp of lisp are sufficient to track down
errors in maxima, but it would be interesting and possibly educational
to try.
So far my lisp programming is to the point where I can write simple
programs around CLX, but I haven't tried anything as advanced as maxima.
I think it would be well beyond my abilities.
If I discover anything in my stumblings with maxima, I'll post them, but
don't hold your breath waiting...
Paul Bowyer