MOHAMMED ABOU ZIED <mohamedabouzied at> writes:
> Dear All,
> I want to report two bugs,
> when I use algsys() function, the output list is recognized as a 1 element list (which is worng).
> This don't happen for the linsolve() function as the attachments reveal.
Solve returns a list of the solutions. Here it has found one solution
(thus the list has length one). This solution has two variables, i and
I (so the only element in the top-level list has two elements).
> Another bug, after I took the outputs of linsolve() function "i don't
> know if this also at algsysy() or not", i used denom() function, but
> it returned 1 and when i take num() function, it return both numerator
> divided by the denominator.
Can you include a transcript?
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