Please send compact, reproducible bug reports. From what you've said, I
see no evidence of a bug.
Have you tried
? algsys
? linsolve
to see what these functions are *supposed* to do? In particular:
...`algsys' returns a *list* of solutions...
The easiest way to show us what you did in a reproducible way is to turn
display2d:true and then cut and paste the input/output stream, as below.
Be sure to include all inputs. I've included some guesses about what
confused you:
(%i1) display2d:false;
(%o1) false
(%i2) algsys([x^2+1=y,x=y],[x,y]);
(%o2) [[x = -(sqrt(3)*%i-1)/2,y = -(sqrt(3)*%i-1)/2], << note that this
is a LIST of solutions
[x = (sqrt(3)*%i+1)/2,y = (sqrt(3)*%i+1)/2]] << in
general, non-linear equations have multiple solutions
(%i3) part(%o2,1);
(%o3) [x = -(sqrt(3)*%i-1)/2,y = -(sqrt(3)*%i-1)/2]
(%i4) part(%,1);
(%o4) x = -(sqrt(3)*%i-1)/2
(%i5) part(%,2);
(%o5) -(sqrt(3)*%i-1)/2
(%i6) denom(%o5);
(%o6) 2 << this is probably what you were
looking for
(%i7) num(%o5);
(%o7) 1-sqrt(3)*%i
(%i8) denom(%o4); << %o4 is an EQUATION, not an EXPRESSION
(%o8) 1 << equations don't have denominators
(arguably this could give an error message)
On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 05:07, MOHAMMED ABOU ZIED <
mohamedabouzied at> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I want to report two bugs,
> when I use algsys() function, the output list is recognized as a 1 element
> list (which is worng).
> This don't happen for the linsolve() function as the attachments reveal.
> Another bug, after I took the outputs of linsolve() function "i don't know
> if this also at algsysy() or not", i used denom() function, but it returned
> 1 and when i take num() function, it return both numerator divided by the
> denominator.
> Yours,
> Mohamed Abouzied
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