On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 6:22 AM, marmaduke <duke at eml.cc> wrote:
> Hi
> I was trying to compute the integral
> integrate(f, x, a, b)
> where a is greater than b, and the result was wrong until I manually
> switch the limits and changed the change of the integral, so my question
> is, does Maxima automatically swap the limits of integration if the lower
> limit is greater than the positive limit?
No, maxima doesn't swap limits:
integrate(1,x,5,0) -> -5
> details of the integral:
> f: w*cos(p)/2 - 1;
> integrate(1/f, p, %pi, phi);
> Maxima asks me a few questions. How did you answer them? What result did
you get and what were you expecting?