Checking equivilence of equalities

Jan Mueller <jan.mueller at> writes:
> Hope the following is a non-trivial example: from my point of view
> wxMaxima is becoming more and more popular in German secondary
> schools. Is(equal()) is a very helpful command to further Independent
> learning in Algebra, because pupils could check on their own if some
> algebraic transformations they made on their own are equivalent or
> not. From this point of view it would be nescessary that
> isequal-commands could check polynomial-equations and terms (e.g. with
> a maximum power of 3?), elementary exponential- and trigonometric
> equations and terms. But its up to you to decide if didactical aspects
> should play a role in the decision which commands should be developed
> or not

Could one could write an "easy_equal_p" function or the like? This could
go in share or even in src maybe, but it makes sense to distinguish it
From something trying to do something more general...

Maybe there is a list of functions that would be useful in a general
teaching/learning package. I suspect they'd be reasonably easy to
write. Do you have any other suggestions for some that should appear?

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