Missing documentation or feature request

Mike Valenzuela <mickle.mouse at gmail.com> writes:

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> I've been working on a particularly tricky problem and wanted to check my
> math. The problem simply an inverse matrix calculus derivative problem.
> Particularly:
> diff( -1/2 *
> transpose(invert(transpose(A)).(z-x)).(invert(transpose(A)).(z-x)), A),
> where A is a matrix ( cholesky decomposition of a covariance matrix), and z
> & x are vectors of the same length.
> I ran into several problems:
> 1) Invert only works on matrices if they are given - I need a symbolic
> matrix inversion for any sized matrix. I know differentiation of an
> inverted matrix is possible (see
> orion.uwaterloo.ca/~hwolkowi/matrixcookbook.pdf)
> 2) I tried other matrix calculus such as diff (transpose(x) . A . x, x),
> but Maxima returned " 'diff(transpose(x)) . A".  The correct answer is " x
> . ( A + transpose(A) ) "
> 3) I have tried checking itensor and ctensor packages, but neither of them
> seemed to support a symbolic inverse. I'm not sure that even if it did,
> would I be able to differentiate the resulting expression.
> 4) Another thing I looked for, but couldn't find was a symbolic function
> inverse. I know the identity " diff( inverse(f(x)), x) = 1 / ( 'diff(f (
> inverse f( x ) ), x ) " (see
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_functions_and_differentiation)
> So I guess this is a feature request unless someone can tell me how to use
> maxima to differentiate an expression (involving matrix inverses) with
> respect to the matrix. Features specifically useful would be:
> a) "Full" symbolic matrix inversion, which operates on any sized matrix and
> does not require specifying its components.
> b) Matrix calculus
> c) Symbolic function inverses (along with the associated calculus rules)
> or
> d) Better itensor/centsor documentation demonstrating how to handle a
> problem similar to mine.

Maxima has the capability to have simplification rules added to its
built-in simplifier. Here are some:

(%i1) kill(all)$
(%i1) display2d:false $

(%i2) matchdeclare(X,lambda([u],get(u,matrixp))) $
(%i3) matchdeclare(t,atom) $

(%i4) put(B,true,matrixp) $
(%i5) depends([A,B],x) $

(%i6) tellsimp('diff(X^^(-1),t),-X^^(-1) . diff(X,t) . X^^(-1));
(%i7) tellsimp('diff('transpose(X),t),transpose(diff(X,t)));

tellsimp is a command that adds simplification rules; matchdeclare lets
us apply these rules selectively.

Now, we can try things out:

(%i8) diff(B,x);
(%o8) 'diff(B,x,1)
(%i9) diff(B^^(-1),x);
(%o9) -B^^(-1) . ('diff(B,x,1)) . B^^(-1)

The correct answer.

(%i10) diff(A,x);
(%o10) 'diff(A,x,1)
(%i11) diff(A^^(-1),x);
(%o11) 'diff(A^^(-1),x,1)

Because we have not told Maxima that A is a matrix, the simplifier
leaves the expression unevaluated.

(%i12) diff(transpose(B),x);
(%o12) 'transpose('diff(B,x,1))

Again, the correct answer.

(%i13) diff(transpose(B). A . B, x);
(%o13) 'transpose('diff(B,x,1)) . A . B+'transpose(B) . ('diff(A,x,1))
. B
                                       +'transpose(B) . A . 'diff(B,x,1)

Looks good, to..

(%i14) diff(transpose(B). C . B, x);
(%o14) 'transpose('diff(B,x,1)) . C . B+'transpose(B) . C . 'diff(B,x,1)

Looks good (Maxima treats C as a constant, unlike in %o13).

Leo Butler                <l_butler at users.sourceforge.net>
SDF Public Access UNIX System -   http://sdf.lonestar.org