The letter j as imaginary unit

The solution I presented was to support *** j *** as the imaginary unit.

If you want *** %j *** and not *** j *** to be the imaginary unit, you need
to write

           ?aliaslist: ?list(?cons(%i,%j)),

Does that resolve your problem?  If not, could you please supply a *complete
transcript* of a Maxima session (using display2d:false) which shows the


2012/2/19 Per Liss <maillistor-cas at>

> Thanks Stavros and others who responded,
> It seemed to be an interesting solution which would solve the problem.
> I tested
> z: 2+3*%i
> before and
> z: 2+3*%j
> after applying the solution and then converted to polar form using
> z1: polarform(z)
> Unfortunately z1 differ before and after applying the suggested solution
> and z1 is presented with a mix of  %i and %j and the result is less
> simplified with the solution applied.
> The reason I want to use j is that it is common practice among engineers,
> at least in electrical engineering, to use j instead of i as imaginary unit
> and it would be a good idea to keep that practice in all steps of the
> engineering processes instead of sometimes using i and sometimes using j.
> (BTW it seems that both Mathematica and Maple provide a built in solution
> to this.)
> /Per
>   ------------------------------
> *Fr?n:* Stavros Macrakis <macrakis at>
> *Till:* Per Liss <maillistor-cas at>
> *Kopia:* Inl?gg Maximalista <maxima at>
> *Skickat:* l?rdag, 18 februari 2012 23:33
> *?mne:* Re: [Maxima] The letter j as imaginary unit
> Maxima does not confuse i (for, e.g., current) with %i (the imaginary
> unit), so I'm not sure what the issue is here.  And if you insist on "j",
> why would you want to use "%j"? But...
> If you really want to use j as the imaginary unit, that is easy enough to
> do by fiddling with some internal stuff:
>      block([simp:false],
>            ?putprop(%i,?j,'?texword),
>            ?aliaslist: ?list(?cons(%i,j)),
>            alias(j,%i))
> After you execute that, you can use "j" on input as the imaginary unit,
> and Maxima will print "j" on output for the imaginary unit.  It will also
> accept the input "%i" for the imaginary unit, but presumably that shouldn't
> be a problem.
> I am not sure why all this is useful, but there you are....
>               -s
> 2012/2/18 Per Liss <maillistor-cas at>
> Hello,
> I'm am completely new to Maxima and computer algebra systems and am trying
> to learn how to make best use of it.
> After reading and introductory textbook, I have been now spent some time
> finding information on the Internet on how to make Maxima using the letter
> "j" as the imaginary unit in order not to make confusion with the symbol
> "i" for current. I would like Maxima not only to understand input using
> "%j" which I believe could be done by defining a constant, but also produce
> outputs using "j" instead of "i". My final goal is to find a way to
> permanently configure my installation to use the letter j.
> I would appreciate any tips where to find such info. I have searched the
> archive for this list and done a general Google search but didn't find any
> info.
> My installation is:
> Ubuntu Linux on an IBM T42p laptop running wxMaxima 0.8.4 (don't know hot
> to extract the Maxima core version)
> Best Regards,
> Per Liss
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