Help building a matrix-calculus package

Okay - so I briefly looked for alternatives to dropbox (since it doesn't
really provide more advanced management of the project such as forking the
project, etc.) and decided to setup a github project:

I'm new to it (but it has pretty good step-by-step instructions), but its
basically made for this kind of project. Drop box is nice, but its not the
most fit tool.

This will also allow us to discuss this project further without continuing
to spam the entire Maxima mailing list.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 11:26 PM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at>wrote:

> On 2/23/12, Mike Valenzuela <mickle.mouse at> wrote:
> > So I decided to start setting up a drop. For now this box is tied to my
> > email address (but I suppose we can change at any point in time, I really
> > don't care and don't use drop box for anything else yet). I can send an
> > invite to share the project folder with anyone that is interested.
> Hi Mike, I'm interested in having access to the project folder,
> if that's OK with you.
> best
> Robert