print ( false ) bug 5.26.0

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 9:05 AM, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:

> maxima-bounces at wrote on 02/28/2012 10:45:56 AM:
> > P.S. Wouldn't it be reasonable for the function
> > bug_report to show also the values of all such
> > flags?
> A stupid Maxima trick is to use reset to determine which user options have
> non-default values.  When debugging deep inside a Maxima
> function, calling reset will print the non-default values of the option
> variables. It also resets them---that can cause problems as the
> calculation continues.  Possibly the reset code could be modified to
> display non-default values but not reset them.
That's a cute little trick!

Shouldn't be too hard to add a new function to list all of the option
variables that are changed.  Just need to copy reset-do-the-work to a new
function and modify it so that it doesn't do the work. :-)
