common lisp complex numbers, also common lisp rational numbers
Subject: common lisp complex numbers, also common lisp rational numbers
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2012 22:09:00 -0800
On 3/1/2012 1:30 PM, Steve Haflich wrote:
> One could of course modify an exiting CL implementation to make all the
> desired functions generic, but this would be a larger,
> more-destabilizing, and more performance-killing job than one first
> might think. But I do agree it would be a neat thing to have!
a generic arithmetic system for CL with many (all?) the "data types" in
is posted in, using mpfr for
bigfloats. It also has some data types not in Maxima like intervals,
It even has a compiler. The difficulty remains that many of the
coercions are
not obvious. what do you do with interval + complex + symbol. etc.
This code is more of a proof of concept than otherwise. Though I've used
parts of it repeatedly. It uses allegro common lisp / foreign function
for some things; this can be run in a free version, or you can leave off
those pieces relying on external libmpfr.dll, libgmp, qd.dll