maxima-bounces at wrote on 03/12/2012 02:41:08 PM:
> A second redefinition uses simp_assuming in the same way that mydefint
simp_assuming cleans up the fact data base even if an error is signaled
while evaluating the definite integral.
And that's a good thing.
There doesn't seem to be a simple cure for:
(%i14) mydefint2(x,[x,0,%i],[y,0,1]);
defint: upper limit of integration must be real; found %i
#0: mydefint(e78=x,x78=x,a78=0,b78=%i)
#1: mydefint2(qe=x,qxl=[x,0,%i],qyl=[y,0,1])
-- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);